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Ben again
Post #1
After the night of bathroom fucking, Ben and I did not talk about it at all. Our friend group still got together and partied. We had lots of hang out time around each other. He would show up with a few of his lacrosse playing buddies and the hot sorority girl he was currently banging but he was acting like his normal self. No one would have guessed how he liked to recreate in dude's ass holes.
As winter rolled around our friend group decided to rent a cabin in the mountains. We wanted to 'camp' and party and some of the group planned to go skiing. A place was booked, the rental fee was split, and the plans finalized. We all headed to the mountains for four days of partying and playing. I rode up with my best friend, Liz. She knew me inside and out. We shared everything, including having both been fucked by Ben. I'd told her the whole story one night over beers and she was shocked. That shock quickly gave way to us comparing notes on his body and dick and skill at fucking. Apparently, according to her, he was a top notch pussy eater. I told her he was also a top notch ass breeder. She blushed at that comment. When we got to the cabin, everyone unloaded their cars, threw their shit in their rooms, and mixed drinks. We were all determined to get wasted that night. The cabin had a huge covered porch, hot tub, and three stories filled with various bedrooms, living rooms, fire places, etc. It was a god damn mansion. There was enough room for everyone to have their own room. Liz and I threw on our swimming gear, filled a pitcher with shitty booze and mixers, and took two glasses out to the hot tub. The cold air slammed into us as we stepped out onto the porch and ran to the hot tub. When we threw the cover off, hot air billowed out and steam continued to rise up off the water. Liz and I slide in and savored the warm soak. The door was thrown open and the sorority girl whose name I can't seem to remember stormed out. "Yeah, well fuck you! You lying asshole. Find someone else to be your fuck toy." She screamed at Ben, who had stepped through the door behind her. She was dragging her suit case onto the porch and down the stairs to her car. Ben slumped as he watched her go. "Looks like you could use a drink" Liz called out to him after the car carrying his date had left. He glanced over to her, made eye contact with me, which lingered half a second longer than I thought he should have and said, "Fuck it. Let's get wasted." Liz and I exchanged meaningful glances. He started walking towards us, pulled his shirt up over his head and revealed his ripped body, hairy chest, and toned abs. I swelled a little in my shorts and blushed at the sight of his body. He was so hot. He continued stripping off his clothes as he walked toward the hot tub, his shoes kicked off, socks slipped off, he reached down and shucked his pants and boxers off in one swooping motion. His bush, thick swinging cock and balls came into sight and Liz and I both got wide eyed as we stared. He stopped at the edge of the tub, looked at each of us drooling over him, and grinned as he hoped over the edge and slide into the steaming water. "Ahh," he let out a sigh as he sank in and let his head lean back and rest on the edge. "You freak," Liz said as she playfully splashed him, "No one said anything about skinny dipping!" "Oh, I know you like what you saw." He winked at her and splashed her back a little and she giggled. "Give me some of that shit." He said as he gestured toward our pitch. I handed it to him and we clinked glasses and with his raised pitcher of booze as we all exclaimed, "Let's get fucked up!" Each of us took a big gulp of the mixture and laughed. "So, your date bailed, huh?" I asked. After there was a pause. While the steam from the heat made things a little blurry, it was still all too clear in the water. I could see the hairy chest trailing down his front and, though it wavered and danced in the stream and ripples, I could still make out the massive outline of his dick. He sat back in the water, legs spread wide. Not giving a shit that he was on display for us. I spoke to distract myself. Hoping my rising hard on would stop and relax. "Fuck man, she got all shitty with me cause I wouldn't be her 'only one' or some shit. Got pissed cause she heard I'd fucked someone else and I didn't lie, told her we'd never said anything about not doing it so, yeah. It's all good. Going to chill, get drunk, do some skiing, and see what comes next. Where is everyone?" "Oh shit, they are probably denizli escort getting dinner ready and I am supposed to help!" Liz said as she sprung up out of the water and sprinted for the door. "God damn, my tits are going to freeze off out here!" She yelled as she cleared the deck and opened the door. We laughed as we watched her go. Then silence. We both looked in different directions and then at each other. "So," I said, trying to think of something to say that wasn't related to what I was trying to not look at or think about, "You going to ski?" "Maybe" He said. He was now watching me. "You?" "Fuck no, I suck at skiing." I laughed. "Not all you suck." He shot back at me. There was a pause and then he started to laugh, I joined him. Some if the tension went out of the air between us and I relaxed. The door to the cabin flung open and five or six of our group ran out in various pieces of swim wear, headed for the hot tub. It was clear most of them were on their way to drunk, if not already drunk. "Dinner is going to be late." One of them called out. "I'm drinking my dinner" another joked and laughed. Ben had turned toward the group and yelled, "This is a nude only hot tub! No clothing allowed if you want in here." I chuckled and watched as all of the group took in what he said. They cheered and began to strip as they ran for the tub. Ben slide over to sit right next to me as five naked bodies crashed into the water and soon filled the tub to the brim. Jokes about dicks and tits floated around as drinks flowed and splashing continued. "Hey, Jake still has his shorts on," Chrissy, a short, out spoken girl called out as she pointed to my submerged waist. "Take them off! Take them off!" A chant had started. I blushed and stood up, the alcohol had rushed to my head and knocked out my remaining inhibitions. Down slide my wet shorts, out popped my dick and balls heavy but not fully hard from staring at Ben's body. Someone whistled as I quickly sat down between Ben and Chrissy. We continued our soak as night approached and it quickly begin to get dark. Snow had stared falling and we were all getting pretty drunk. The porch was mostly dark except from the light escaping the windows. Drunken conversations and laughter continued. Chrissy was blabbing on about a particular art class she was taking and I was doing my best not to feel rude when I felt it: Ben, sitting on my left, had scooted up close to my side and pushed his leg up against mine. I got that thrill of being touched but immediately brushed it aside as just drunken crowding. Until he pulled it back and pushed again, as if tapping my leg with his. I'd stopped listening to Chrissy as my drunken confidence took over and I returned the tap. He pulled his leg away and sat up as if to distance himself. It was getting dark enough I couldn't see his face to gauge his reaction and I realized I'd fucked up and misread his movements. At that moment someone fell or was pushed into the center and some chaos broke out as people jumped up to sit on the side of the tub. One guy, Mark, jumped out of the tub and went running out into the dark to find a snow drift to roll in. He yelled as his white ass cheeks went bouncing out of sight. We were all laughing and staring at him as I felt a hand slide up my leg and tickle my inner thigh. It was coming from my left side and in the dark I could see Ben laughing and purposefully watching the direction Mark had run as his arm disappeared into the water. His hand slide up and took hold of my dick and gave it a few tugs. A loud high pitched squeal came rushing back from the dark were Mark had clearly found his snow drift and rolled in it. Soon his pale white form, dick and balls shriveled and tight from his cold plunge, came rushing back toward the tub. He leapt in and submerged under water in a big splash. Ben's hand left my dick. Everyone began jumping out and stumbling in for the cabin. I lingered, giving my cock time to ease down because the tugging had started me towards a full fledged hard on. "Jake, come on in with us." Chrissy slurred. "What's wrong, Jake?" Ben asked, grinning. "Yeah?" Chrissy slurred, "No reason to be modest now. We're all naked." She spread her arms and drunkenly shook her small tits in my direction. We all laughed. "Fine," I said as I stood up, my half hard dick swinging side to side as I hoped out. "Owh-owh," Mark jeered from the tub, "Jakey is getting denizli escort bayan hard for someone!" They all laughed as I hunted for my shorts. "All for you Mark, babe," I teased back as I winked at him. He laughed and splashed water at me. My shorts found, I slide into them and tucked my dick as everyone else drunkenly redressed themselves to head inside. They streamed in side, me bringing up the rear. Mark pushed past me, still naked, to run inside. I heard squeals of laughter and shock as he streaked through the rooms up stairs to his room. Presumably to put on some clothes. I rushed in too and closed the door. Just a few minutes out in the cold air was enough to shrink my dick and I was shivering like crazy. The group had clustered around the table and were loading plates with various items. While they were distracted, I ventured up the stairs to my room to change into something dry and warmer. Sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt on, I bounced back down the stairs and found most of the food gone, damn drunks, and more booze flowing. I swiped a drink and plopped down in a chair next to Ben. He had changed into a pair of loose grey sweat pants that left little to the imagination and a tight tee shirt. Damn he was hot! Some one brought out cards and drinking games followed. By the end of two rounds I was too wasted to care for much. I stood up and declared I was going to bed, not waiting for a reply, I climbed the stairs and crashed into my pillow. Some unknown hour of the night I stirred awake. Head pounding and feeling hungry I wandered down the dark stairs to the kitchen to get a snack and try to hunt up some Advil. Snack acquired and a gallon of water consumed along with some Advil, I started to feel better and wandered towards a living room. There was a blue glow coming from the room so I peered around the corner and what I saw almost made me drop my plate. On a couch, kicked back with a pair of headphones on, was Ben. His sweat pants were pulled down under his massive nut sack. His right hand was slowly stroking his gigantic dick. It stood straight up, hard as steel and glistened in the glow of the screen. A laptop was open in front of him and a porn was playing. He was engrossed in what he was watching and didn't notice as I stared opened mouthed at him. His muscles rippled as his arm rose and fell, tight abs flexed and relaxed as he enjoyed the feeling of his hand gliding up and down. Stubble from a few days of not shaving shadowed his strong, chiseled jaw line. A furry chest and bushy pubes did nothing to diminish his huge cock. His left hand pushed the band of his sweats down as the right continued a steady stroking. When I shifted, his eyes flicked over to me. There was an initial reaction of shock when he realized another person was there and he jumped to his feet. When he recognized it was me he visibly relaxed. Dick straining to stand up straight under its weight, he flexed it and it bounced. "About time you woke up. Get over here and suck my cock." His voice was a commanding growl and order. There was no questioning it or disobeying. I immediately began walking toward the prime, horny stud on the other end of the room with the intention of letting him use me anyway he wanted. Once in front of him, he placed his big hands on my shoulders and forced me to my knees, eye level with his slick, dripping cock. I was in shock at his size. Fully aroused and throbbing, thick veins ran up and down the shaft, keeping him hard as a steel. A flick of his hips, a slight forward thrust and he smacked me in the side of my face. I reached up and wrapped my fingers around as much if the shaft as I could hold. My mouth stretched around the bulbous head and tongue lapped at his slit. Eagerly slurping up the stream of sex goo he was leaking. I heard a deep sigh as Ben let his head fall back from the sensation of my warm mouth and hand working his dick. Twisting my mouth, up and down, gagging and choking, I sucked his monster rod. He thrust and savored, grabbed a hand full of my hair and guided my mouth up and down. His dick popped out as he flopped back on the couch. "Strip your clothes off, I need to fuck your hole." He leaned back and watched his porn as I quickly tore my clothes off. Underwear ripped off, my dick swung out and bounced, hard and so horny from my dick sucking work, I sank to my knees to resume sucking. He stopped my attempts to get to his cock with a heavy palm on my forehead. "Nope. Turn around escort denizli and bend over that chair," he said pointing to an armchair next to the couch. "I'm going to knock you up." He stood and waited for me to get in position. I quickly walked over to the chair, leaned down and braced myself, legs spread wide, ass upturned, and hands tightly gripping the armrest of the chair. "Good bitch," he growled. He took his dick in his right hand, spit in his left and walked towards me. I left his thick fingers rub the spit around my hole and then he pushed one in until he bottomed out. His finger twisted and rubbed my insides before slipping out to allow apace for a second finger to join. When he slide the third finger in, I gasped at the stretching sensation. I heard him spit more on his fingers as he simultaneously lubed me up for fucking and worked my hole loose to make me ready to take his full girth and length. I let my head sink down. Between my legs, behind my balls and twitching cock, I could see his muscular thighs and legs. They tensed and flexed from the urgent rush he was feeling. That aching need to breed a hole. This stud was in his prime and revved up to fuck. His fingers left me gaping and wide open. The sudden absence felt strange for just a second, right before the pressure of his cock head pushed up against my hole. There was a burning feeling that lit my ass on fire as he worked his cock into me. This wasn't a gentle easing in of thick dick. The urgency of his need made him thrust and push more fiercely. His hands grasped the crook of my hips and pulled me back on to him. Locked on hard it was clear he was in breeding mode. After fireworks and burning pain eased into a burst of pleasure, I realized he had bottomed out in me and was setting a steady fucking pace. Soon the thwack, thwack of his thighs thrusting into me filled the room. I braced my self against the chair as Ben steadily drilled me. My dick swung around under me, hard as I could get, it bounced and surged at each of his thrusts. Soon he began to talk dirty. Buzzed and horny, he said with a growl, "Fuck you have a nice tight hole. Take my big cock you little slut." His speed increased, "Oh yeah, I'm going to fill your tight hole. You need a big man load in you, don't you? Tell me, beg me to breed your hole." His hands tightened their grip and he was slamming into me so hard. Through the moans and burst of feeling I whimpered and gasped, "Oh fuck yes, I need your cum in me. Please, breed me. Fill me up. I want your cum. Yes, give it to me. Ohh..." On I droned and moaned as he drove into me. "Ah fuck!" He cried as he slammed into me, blowing his cum deep into me and pulling out half way only to slam in again as the next spurt of cum issued out of him. Once, twice, three times, and over and over he would thrust forward hold a second as his cum unleashed into me, withdraw and repeat. I lost count. His groaning and gasping, the sounds of a successful male breeding his bitch filled the room. After his final thrust, he withdrew and a huge glob of his spunk slide out of my hole down and hit the floor. Ben slapped my ass and said, "Good job slut." He pulled on his clothes and tucked his massive rod into his sweats and swaggered off to bed. I slowly stood up and lingered, naked in the room. My hard cock straining for attention, I started to slowly stroke myself. A sigh from the other side of the room made me whirl around. Standing in the shadow of the hallway opposite where Ben had gone was Mark. His hand was busy working his hard on from the scene he has just witnessed. Pale, with reddish hair and. skinny body, Mark was not a sex god like Ben. He didn't stop stroking when I turned around. When we made eye contact he walked straight for me, right hand still pumping his upturned prick. It was uncut and angry red from the stroking. He stopped when he was right in front of me. Our dicks practically touching. I saw the horny need in his eyes and turned around, assuming the position Ben had used me in a few seconds earlier. Mark walked up to my up turned hole, aimed his throbbing prick, and entered me in one smooth thrust. Loose from Ben's huge dong and lubed up from his load, my ass eagerly swallowed Mark's dick. He worked it slow and steady, enjoying the warmth. I stroked my cock, feeling my orgasm building. "Damn, I'm going to cum in you." Mark gasped, quickly followed by an ungh, ungh, ungh sound as he held his twitching cock, spewing his load inside me. I let loose. Jet after jet of my jizz coated the chair beneath and I sighed in relief. Mark lingered, withdrew, and walked out of the room. I collapsed into my own puddle of cum, oozing their combined loads out my hole. What a great way to start the weekend and I knew, as I lay there, that it was only the beginning... |
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